Coinfeeds Daily → Ethereum L2 Blast Launches Mainnet

Ethereum L2 Blast Launches Mainnet

Published: Mar 01, 2024 | Last Updated: Mar 17, 2024
Howard Kane

Unlocking $2.3 billion in crypto, Blast introduces up to 5% yield on digital assets, attracting over 180,000 users.

The cryptocurrency and blockchain technology landscape is continually evolving, with Ethereum Layer 2 solutions playing a significant role in this transformation. One of the most anticipated developments in this space has been the official launch of the Ethereum Layer 2 network, Blast. This milestone marks a significant step forward in the scalability and functionality of Ethereum, offering users new opportunities to manage and grow their digital assets.

Unlocking Billions in Staked Crypto

Blast's mainnet launch has been a game-changer for the Ethereum ecosystem, unlocking nearly $2.3 billion in staked cryptocurrency. This development has allowed users to withdraw a substantial amount of funds, including 469,000 ETH, 44.3 million USDC, 67.1 million USDT, 148,000 stETH, and 24.1 million DAI. The ability to access these previously locked funds has been a major draw for users, with $400 million already withdrawn from the network. Blast's innovative approach to yield generation, offering up to 5% on ETH and stablecoins, is a key factor driving its popularity. This yield is generated from staked ETH and US Treasury bills managed by MakerDAO, providing a stable and attractive return for investors.

A New Era of Yield Generation

Blast has introduced a native yield model for ether and stablecoins, promising returns of 4% for ether and 5% for stablecoins. This approach to yield generation is a significant departure from traditional models, offering users a more stable and predictable source of income from their digital assets. The platform's ability to attract over 180,000 early access users and lock in over $2.3 billion in total value before its official launch speaks to the strong interest and confidence in its model. With the official mainnet now live, Blast is poised to become a major player among Layer 2 solutions, offering users a reliable and efficient platform for managing their digital assets.

Attracting Developers and Users Alike

The launch of Blast's mainnet has not only attracted a significant amount of funds but also the attention of developers and users within the Ethereum community. By allocating 50% of its community airdrop to mainnet protocols, Blast aims to foster a vibrant ecosystem of applications and services built on its platform. This strategy is designed to attract developers by providing them with the resources and incentives they need to create innovative solutions on Blast. As the 7th largest blockchain and the 2nd largest Ethereum layer 2 by total value locked, Blast's mainnet launch represents a significant milestone in the evolution of the Ethereum ecosystem, offering new opportunities for growth and innovation.


The official launch of Blast's mainnet is a landmark event in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. By unlocking billions in staked crypto, introducing a new era of yield generation, and attracting developers and users to its platform, Blast is setting a new standard for Ethereum Layer 2 solutions. As the platform continues to evolve and expand its offerings, it will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of digital asset management and blockchain technology.

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